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My name is Marieke Burghoorn.

I know, hard to pronounce. I’ll help you a bit:
mah-REE-kuh BURG-horn.

A very Dutch name for a very tall Dutch woman.

Want to know more about me? Keep on reading!

hi there!

my short bio 

my short bio

I am a professional coach and launched my business, the co-creation club (CCC), in 2022. In addition, I am a learning consultant at BPI - Business Performance Institute with 3+ years corporate experience working with leaders and teams at various organisational levels in health care and the pharmaceutical industry.


My academic background is in psychology and social sciences, and I continue to leverage this knowledge in my work and interactions with others. 

Besides being a consultant and coach, other activities and topics that bring me in a state of flow include: interior design & architecture, (digital) art & crafts, cooking & baking, (R&B) music, reading about behavioral economics, philosophy, professional and personal development.

Personality-wise, I would describe myself as high on extraversion and openness to experience. I am an action-oriented big picture thinker with a tendency to optimize everything and I always see opportunities everywhere. Others describe me as someone with a contagious can-do & positive attitude, which shines through in the way I do business.

I have lived in 5 countries (Netherlands, Hong Kong, Norway, Spain, Canada) before moving to my current home in London, United Kingdom, with my partner Nick and cat Luna.

I am fluent and can coach in Dutch (mother tongue) and English, while being a forever-student in Norwegian, Spanish, French, and Mandarin.






create a world in which people & organisations live their potential through conscious choice, collaboration, and active creation


facilitate significant growth in awareness & lasting desired impact for individuals, small & large organisations




MPhil. Psychology, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

B.Sc. Liberal Arts & Sciences, Major: social sciences & psychology, University of Tilburg, Netherlands

CPC Certified Professional Coach, Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching

(International Coaching Federation (ICF) accredited coaching school)

ELI-MP Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner

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Between stimulus and response there is a space. 
In that space is our power to choose our response. 
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Viktor Frankl

my longer story

At 7 years old, as part of Friday afternoons art hour, the teacher tasked us to make a drawing of a robot of choice. As a young visual thinker, highly imaginative but practical, I came up with a household robot that could do 12 things at the same time. Being rewarded with a high grade, I decided then and there that I wanted to become an inventor and start a business selling ideas. To me this dream job had everything I loved: ideation, drawing and talking about beautiful and helpful things that would optimise one's life.


As with all childhood dreams, I completely forgot about this idea and my focus shifted from optimising things to optimising people and (myself in) personal & professional relationships. Like many people, I developed a deep-rooted curiosity for why people think behave the way they do in the broadest and deepest sense of the phrase. I always tried to absorb as much knowledge as possible and was nicknamed  'the very hungry caterpillar' for that very reason. In university, I fittingly pursued an expansive undergraduate program of liberal arts and sciences and afterwards was able to narrow down to a masters degree in psychology.


After graduating from the University of Cambridge, I started working in consulting—first in Hong Kong, now in London. This time, the focus shifted from optimising people to optimising processes. I fuelled my drive to turn ideas into practical improvements by working with clients to improve their team capabilities. From developing codified methods to designing and facilitating learning programs, the expert role that consultants play when solving other people's problems proved to be both demanding and rewarding.


Wanting to bring back the focus on people and design, my childhood dream of starting a business selling ideas came back to me. I saw the opportunity to bring all my values of curiosity, growth, contribution, fun, creativity and trust that have sculpted me over the years into starting a business that followed this red thread of optimisation. But rather than selling my ideas, I also had learned that optimal comes from generating your own. Rather than drawing in a room by myself, I now knew that I thrived in social environments. And rather than just serving a client, I was longing for my own space to experiment and make and impact.


So I started an intensive and hands-on 9+ month coaching certification program, spending my late evenings and weekends, learning how to really listen and unlearning to think for someone else and give advice. I saw the power of creating awareness and facilitating change through conscious choice.

And now I'm here, certified by an ICF-accredited coaching school. Ready to live my optimal combination of personality traits, values and interests. Ready to support others in optimising their live through a creative and thought-provoking process. And ready to live up to my childhood dream in the process.

my longer story
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